Source code for metaspace.types

import json
import numpy as np
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, cast, List, Any

# NOTE: Python-client needs to support Python versions as low as Python 3.6.
# Make sure to run PyCharm's "Code Compatibility" inspection when touching any imports from typing
    from metaspace.sm_annotation_utils import MolecularDB

    from typing import TypedDict, Literal  # Python 3.8+

    Polarity = Literal['Positive', 'Negative']
    MetadataDataType = Literal['Imaging MS']
    DiagnosticImageFormat = Literal['PNG', 'NPY']
except ImportError:
        from typing_extensions import TypedDict, Literal

        Polarity = Literal['Positive', 'Negative']
        MetadataDataType = Literal['Imaging MS']
        DiagnosticImageFormat = Literal['PNG', 'NPY']
    except ImportError:
        Polarity = str
        MetadataDataType = str
        DiagnosticImageFormat = str
        TypedDict = dict

[docs]class MetadataSampleInformation(TypedDict): Organism: str Organism_Part: str Condition: str Sample_Growth_Conditions: Optional[str]
[docs]class MetadataSamplePreparation(TypedDict): Sample_Stabilisation: str Tissue_Modification: str MALDI_Matrix: str MALDI_Matrix_Application: str Solvent: Optional[str]
[docs]class MetadataResolvingPower(TypedDict): mz: float Resolving_Power: float
[docs]class MetadataPixelSize(TypedDict): Xaxis: float Yaxis: float
[docs]class MetadataMSAnalysis(TypedDict): Polarity: Polarity Ionisation_Source: str Analyzer: str Detector_Resolving_Power: MetadataResolvingPower Pixel_Size: MetadataPixelSize
[docs]class Metadata(TypedDict): """ SMDataset.metadata should be accessed as a Python dict, e.g. >>> organism = dataset.metadata['Sample_Information']['Organism'] """ Data_Type: str # Should always be 'Imaging MS' Sample_Information: MetadataSampleInformation Sample_Preparation: MetadataSamplePreparation MS_Analysis: MetadataMSAnalysis
class MetadataContainer(dict): def __init__(self, json_metadata): super().__init__(json.loads(json_metadata)) self._json = json_metadata @property def json(self): return self._json def make_metadata(json_metadata): """ It's more user-friendly to access metadata as a TypedDict, but for backwards compatibility, it's necessary to provide the metadata.json property. TypedDicts don't seem to support custom constructors or non-dictionary properties at all. As a compromise, cast to `MetadataDict` so that users with type checking can access it as a TypedDict, but the .json property is still available as the instance type is a regular dict. """ return cast(Metadata, MetadataContainer(json_metadata)) # Should match metaspace/engine/sm/engine/ # noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]class DSConfigIsotopeGeneration(TypedDict): adducts: List[str] charge: int isocalc_sigma: float instrument: str n_peaks: int neutral_losses: List[str] chem_mods: List[str]
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]class DSConfigFDR(TypedDict): decoy_sample_size: int
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]class DSConfigImageGeneration(TypedDict): ppm: int n_levels: int min_px: int
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
[docs]class DSConfig(TypedDict): """ SMDataset.config should be accessed as a Python dict, e.g. >>> instrument = dataset.config['isotope_generation']['instrument'] """ database_ids: List[int] analysis_version: int isotope_generation: DSConfigIsotopeGeneration fdr: DSConfigFDR image_generation: DSConfigImageGeneration
[docs]class DatabaseDetails(TypedDict): """DEPRECATED - this has been replaced by metaspace.sm_annotation_utils.MolecularDB""" id: int name: str version: str isPublic: bool archived: bool
[docs]class DatasetDownloadLicense(TypedDict): code: str name: str link: Optional[str]
[docs]class DatasetDownloadContributor(TypedDict): name: Optional[str] institution: Optional[str]
[docs]class DatasetDownloadFile(TypedDict): filename: str link: str
[docs]class DatasetDownload(TypedDict): license: DatasetDownloadLicense contributors: List[DatasetDownloadContributor] files: List[DatasetDownloadFile]
[docs]class DatasetUser(TypedDict): id: str name: str
[docs]class DatasetGroup(TypedDict): id: str name: str shortName: str
[docs]class DatasetProject(TypedDict): id: str name: str publicationStatus: str
[docs]class DiagnosticImage(TypedDict): """Represents one image associated with a category of diagnostics/metadata. The `key` field indicates the content. The `image` field is only present when :py:attr:`sm_annotation_utils.SMDataset.diagnostics` is called with include_images=True """ key: Optional[str] index: Optional[int] url: str format: DiagnosticImageFormat image: Optional[np.ndarray]
[docs]class DatasetDiagnostic(TypedDict): """ Represents the results of one category of diagnostics/metadata for the dataset. The `type` field indicates the content: * type==TIC - `data` contains information about the Total Ion Current across the dataset - `images` contains an image with the TIC for each spectrum * type==IMZML_METADATA - `data` contains a summary of metadata from the ImzML file header - `images` contains a boolean image of which pixels had spectra in the input data. Useful for non-square acquisition areas. """ id: str type: str jobId: Optional[int] database: Optional['MolecularDB'] data: Any images: List[DiagnosticImage]