Source code for metaspace.sm_annotation_utils

import json
import math
import os
import pprint
import re
import urllib.parse
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from copy import deepcopy
from getpass import getpass
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfileobj
from threading import BoundedSemaphore
from typing import Optional, List, Iterable, Union, Tuple, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm

from metaspace.image_processing import clip_hotspots
from metaspace.types import (

    from typing import TypedDict, Literal  # Requires Python 3.8

    _TIC_Literal = Literal['TIC']
except ImportError:
    TypedDict = dict
    _TIC_Literal = str

    from pandas import json_normalize  # Only in Pandas 1.0.0+
except ImportError:
    from import json_normalize  # Logs DeprecationWarning if used in Pandas 1.0.0+

    # Cannot import directly due to circular imports
    from metaspace.projects_client import ProjectsClient


[docs]class MetaspaceException(Exception): pass
[docs]class GraphQLException(MetaspaceException): def __init__(self, json, message, type=None): super().__init__(f"{type}: {message}" if type is not None else message) self.json = json self.message = message self.type = type
[docs]class BadRequestException(MetaspaceException): def __init__(self, json, message, type=None): super().__init__(f"{type}: {message}") self.json = json self.message = message self.type = type
[docs]class InvalidResponseException(MetaspaceException): def __init__(self, json, http_response): super().__init__('Invalid response from server') self.json = json self.http_response = http_response
def _extract_data(res): if not res.headers.get('Content-Type').startswith('application/json'): raise Exception( 'Wrong Content-Type: {}.\n{}'.format(res.headers.get('Content-Type'), res.text) ) res_json = res.json() if 'data' in res_json and 'errors' not in res_json: return res_json['data'] else: if 'errors' in res_json: try: # Some operations raise user-correctable errors with JSON messages that have a # user-friendly 'message' field and a 'type' field for programmatic recognition. json_error = json.loads(res_json['errors'][0]['message']) except json.JSONDecodeError: json_error = None if json_error is not None and 'type' in json_error and 'message' in json_error: raise GraphQLException(res_json, json_error['message'], json_error['type']) pprint.pprint(res_json['errors']) raise GraphQLException(res_json, res_json['errors'][0]['message']) elif 'message' in res_json: raise BadRequestException(res_json, res_json['message'], res_json.get('type')) else: pprint.pprint(res_json) raise InvalidResponseException(res_json, res) def get_config( host=None, verify_certificate=True, email=None, password=None, api_key=None, config_path=None ): default_config_path = Path.home() / '.metaspace' try: from configparser import ConfigParser if config_path: config_file = Path(config_path).read_text() else: config_file = default_config_path.read_text() config_parser = ConfigParser() config_parser.read_string('[metaspace]\n' + config_file) config = config_parser['metaspace'] if not host: host = config.get('host') if not email and not api_key: email = config.get('email') password = config.get('password') api_key = config.get('api_key') except Exception as ex: if config_path: raise if default_config_path.exists(): print('Error processing ~/.metaspace config file') raise host = host or '' return { 'host': host, 'graphql_url': '{}/graphql'.format(host), 'moldb_url': '{}/mol_db/v1'.format(host), 'signin_url': '{}/api_auth/signin'.format(host), 'gettoken_url': '{}/api_auth/gettoken'.format(host), 'raw_opt_upload_url': f'{host}/raw_opt_upload', 'database_upload_url': f'{host}/database_upload', 'dataset_upload_url': f'{host}/dataset_upload', 'usr_email': email, 'usr_pass': password, 'usr_api_key': api_key, 'verify_certificate': verify_certificate, } def multipart_upload( local_path, companion_url, file_type, headers={}, current_user_id=None, dataset_id=None, ): def send_request( url, method='GET', json=None, data=None, headers=None, return_headers=False, max_retries=0, ): for i in range(max_retries + 1): try: resp = session.request(method, url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() if not return_headers else resp.headers except requests.RequestException as ex: if i == max_retries: raise print(f'{ex}\nRetrying...') def init_multipart_upload( filename, file_type, headers={}, current_user_id=None, dataset_id=None ): url = companion_url + '/s3/multipart' data = { 'filename': filename, 'type': file_type, 'metadata': { 'name': filename, 'type': file_type, 'source': 'api', 'user': current_user_id if current_user_id else 'not-provided', 'datasetId': dataset_id if dataset_id else 'not-provided', 'uuid': headers['uuid'] if headers.get('uuid') else 'not-provided', }, } resp_data = send_request(url, 'POST', json=data, headers=headers) return resp_data['key'], resp_data['uploadId'] def sign_part_upload(key, upload_id, part): query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'key': key}) url = f'{companion_url}/s3/multipart/{upload_id}/{part}?{query}' resp_data = send_request(url, max_retries=2) return resp_data['url'] def upload_part(part, data): try: max_retries = 3 for i in range(max_retries): try: presigned_url = sign_part_upload(key, upload_id, part) resp_data = send_request( presigned_url, 'PUT', data=data, headers=headers, return_headers=True, max_retries=2, ) return resp_data['ETag'] except Exception as ex: if i == max_retries - 1: raise else: print(f'Part {part} failed with error: {ex}. Retrying...') finally: semaphore.release() def complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, etags, headers={}): query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'key': key}) url = f'{companion_url}/s3/multipart/{upload_id}/complete?{query}' data = {'parts': [{'PartNumber': part, 'ETag': etag} for part, etag in etags]} resp_data = send_request(url, 'POST', json=data, headers=headers, max_retries=2) # Decode bucket from returned URL location = urllib.parse.unquote(resp_data['location']) dest_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(location) if '.' in dest_url.hostname: # S3 URL e.g. bucket = dest_url.hostname.split('.')[0] else: # Minio URL e.g. http://storage:9000/sm-engine-dev/ bucket = dest_url.path[1:].split('/')[0] return bucket def iterate_file(key, upload_id, local_path): part = 0 with open(local_path, 'rb') as f:, 2) file_len_mb = f.tell() / 1024 ** 2 # S3 supports max 10000 parts per file. Increase part size if needed part_size_mb = max(5, int(math.ceil(file_len_mb / 10000))) n_parts = int(math.ceil(file_len_mb / part_size_mb)) while True: semaphore.acquire() file_data = * 1024 ** 2) if not file_data: break part += 1 print(f'Uploading part {part:3}/{n_parts:3} of {Path(local_path).name} file...') yield part, file_data session = requests.Session() key, upload_id = init_multipart_upload( Path(local_path).name, file_type, headers=headers, current_user_id=current_user_id, dataset_id=dataset_id, ) # Python evaluates the input to eagerly, which would allow iterate_file # to read parts and sign uploads even if there was a significant queue to upload_part. # This semaphore ensures that iterate_file can only read, sign and yield a part when upload_part # is ready to receive it. n_threads = 8 semaphore = BoundedSemaphore(n_threads) with ThreadPoolExecutor(n_threads) as ex: etags = list( lambda args: (args[0], upload_part(*args)), iterate_file(key, upload_id, local_path), ) ) bucket = complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, etags) return bucket, key def _dataset_upload(imzml_fn, ibd_fn, companion_url, current_user_id=None): assert Path(imzml_fn).exists(), f'Could not find .imzML file: {imzml_fn}' assert Path(ibd_fn).exists(), f'Could not find .ibd file: {ibd_fn}' # Get UUID for upload url = f'{companion_url}/s3/uuid' resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() headers = resp.json() for fn in [imzml_fn, ibd_fn]: bucket, key = multipart_upload( fn, companion_url, 'application/octet-stream', headers=headers, current_user_id=current_user_id, ) input_path = f's3a://{bucket}/{key.rsplit("/", 1)[0]}' return input_path def _str_to_tiptap_markup(text): """Convert a plain text string into a TipTap-compatible markup structure""" return json.dumps( { 'type': 'doc', 'content': [ {'type': 'paragraph', 'content': [{'type': 'text', 'text': paragraph}]} for paragraph in text.split('\n\n') ], } )
[docs]class GraphQLClient(object): """Client for low-level access to the METASPACE API, for advanced operations that aren't supported by :py:class:`metaspace.sm_annotation_utils.SMInstance`. Use :py:attr:`query` for calling GraphQL directly. An editor for composing GraphQL API queries can be found at """ def __init__(self, config): self._config = config = self._config['host'] self.session = requests.Session() self.session.verify = self._config['verify_certificate'] self.logged_in = False if self._config.get('usr_api_key'): self.logged_in = self.query('query { currentUser { id } }') is not None elif self._config['usr_email']: login_res = self._config['signin_url'], params={'email': self._config['usr_email'], 'password': self._config['usr_pass']}, ) if login_res.status_code == 401: print('Login failed. Only public datasets will be accessible.') elif login_res.status_code: self.logged_in = True else: login_res.raise_for_status()
[docs] def query(self, query, variables={}): api_key = self._config.get('usr_api_key') if api_key: headers = {'Authorization': f'Api-Key {api_key}'} else: headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.get_jwt()} res = self._config['graphql_url'], json={'query': query, 'variables': variables}, headers=headers, verify=self._config['verify_certificate'], ) return _extract_data(res)
[docs] def get_jwt(self): res = self.session.get( self._config['gettoken_url'], verify=self._config['verify_certificate'] ) res.raise_for_status() return res.text
[docs] def get_primary_group_id(self): query = """ query { currentUser { primaryGroup { group { id } } } } """ primary_group = self.query(query)['currentUser']['primaryGroup'] return primary_group.get('group', {}).get('id', None) if primary_group else None
[docs] def iterQuery(self, query, variables={}, batch_size=50000): """ Assumes query has $offset and $limit parameters, and yields query results with these set to (k*batch_size, batch_size) """ # FIXME: use scroll api? assert batch_size >= 100, "too small batch size, must be at least 100" offset = 0 v = deepcopy(variables) while True: v['limit'] = batch_size v['offset'] = offset yield self.query(query, v) offset += batch_size
[docs] def listQuery(self, field_name, query, variables={}, batch_size=50000, limit=None): """ Gets all results of an iterQuery as a list. Field name must be provided in addition to the query (e.g. 'allDatasets') """ if limit is not None: batch_size = min(batch_size, limit) records = [] for res in self.iterQuery(query, variables, batch_size): if not res[field_name] or limit is not None and len(records) >= limit: break records.extend(res[field_name]) return records
DATASET_FIELDS = """ id name uploadDT submitter { id name } group { id name shortName } principalInvestigator { name } projects { id name publicationStatus } polarity ionisationSource analyzer { type resolvingPower(mz: 400) } organism organismPart condition growthConditions maldiMatrix configJson metadataJson isPublic databases { id name version isPublic archived } adducts acquisitionGeometry metadataType status inputPath """ ANNOTATION_FIELDS = """ sumFormula neutralLoss chemMod adduct ionFormula ion mz msmScore rhoSpatial rhoSpectral rhoChaos fdrLevel offSample offSampleProb dataset { id name } possibleCompounds { name information { url databaseId } } isotopeImages { mz url minIntensity maxIntensity totalIntensity } """ MOLECULAR_DB_FIELDS = "id name version isPublic archived default"
[docs] def getDataset(self, datasetId): query = f""" query datasetInfo($id: String!) {{ dataset(id: $id) {{ {self.DATASET_FIELDS} }} }} """ match = self.query(query, {'id': datasetId})['dataset'] if not match: if self.logged_in: raise DatasetNotFound("No dataset found with id {}.".format(datasetId)) else: raise DatasetNotFound( "No dataset found with id {}. You are not logged in. " "If the dataset is set to private, you need to log in to access it.".format( datasetId ) ) else: return match
[docs] def getDatasetByName(self, datasetName): query = f""" query datasetInfo($filter: DatasetFilter!) {{ allDatasets(filter: $filter) {{ {self.DATASET_FIELDS} }} }} """ matches = self.query(query, {'filter': {'name': datasetName}})['allDatasets'] if not matches: if self.logged_in: raise DatasetNotFound("No dataset found with name '{}'.".format(datasetName)) else: raise DatasetNotFound( "No dataset found with name '{}'. You are not logged in. " "If the dataset is set to private, you need to log in to access it.".format( datasetName ) ) elif len(matches) > 1: print('Found datasets:') for dataset in matches: print(dataset['name'], 'id={}'.format(dataset['id']), '\n') raise Exception( 'More than 1 dataset were found with the same name, ' 'please run your code with the dataset ID instead.' ) else: return matches[0]
[docs] def getAnnotations( self, annotationFilter=None, datasetFilter=None, colocFilter=None, limit=None ): query_arguments = [ "$filter: AnnotationFilter", "$dFilter: DatasetFilter", "$orderBy: AnnotationOrderBy", "$sortingOrder: SortingOrder", "$offset: Int", "$limit: Int", "$colocalizationCoeffFilter: ColocalizationCoeffFilter", ] query = f""" query getAnnotations({','.join(query_arguments)}) {{ allAnnotations( filter: $filter, datasetFilter: $dFilter, orderBy: $orderBy, sortingOrder: $sortingOrder, offset: $offset, limit: $limit, ) {{ {self.ANNOTATION_FIELDS} colocalizationCoeff(colocalizationCoeffFilter: $colocalizationCoeffFilter) }} }} """ annot_filter = annotationFilter if colocFilter: annot_filter = deepcopy(annot_filter) if annot_filter else {} annot_filter.update(colocFilter) order_by = 'ORDER_BY_COLOCALIZATION' else: order_by = 'ORDER_BY_MSM' vars = { 'filter': annot_filter, 'dFilter': datasetFilter, 'colocalizationCoeffFilter': colocFilter, 'orderBy': order_by, } return self.listQuery(field_name='allAnnotations', query=query, variables=vars, limit=limit)
[docs] def countAnnotations(self, annotationFilter=None, datasetFilter=None): query = """ query getAnnotationCount($filter: AnnotationFilter, $dFilter: DatasetFilter) { countAnnotations( filter: $filter, datasetFilter: $dFilter ) }""" return self.query( query=query, variables={'filter': annotationFilter, 'dFilter': datasetFilter} )
[docs] def getDatasets(self, datasetFilter=None): query = f""" query getDatasets($filter: DatasetFilter, $offset: Int, $limit: Int) {{ allDatasets( filter: $filter, offset: $offset, limit: $limit ) {{ {self.DATASET_FIELDS} }} }} """ return self.listQuery('allDatasets', query, {'filter': datasetFilter})
[docs] def getRawOpticalImage(self, dsid): query = """ query getRawOpticalImages($datasetId: String!){ rawOpticalImage(datasetId: $datasetId) { url, transform } } """ variables = {"datasetId": dsid} return self.query(query, variables)
[docs] def getRegisteredImage(self, dsid, zoom_level=8): query = """ query getRawOpticalImages($datasetId: String!, $zoom: Int){ rawOpticalImage(datasetId: $datasetId) } """ variables = {"datasetId": dsid} return self.query(query, variables)
[docs] def get_visible_databases(self): query = f"query allMolecularDBs {{ allMolecularDBs {{ {self.MOLECULAR_DB_FIELDS} }} }}" result = self.query(query) return result['allMolecularDBs']
[docs] @staticmethod def map_database_name_to_name_version(name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: # For backwards compatibility map old database names to (name, version) tuples database_name_version_map = { 'ChEBI': ('ChEBI', '2016'), 'LIPID_MAPS': ('LIPID_MAPS', '2016'), 'SwissLipids': ('SwissLipids', '2016'), 'HMDB-v2.5': ('HMDB', 'v2.5'), 'HMDB-v2.5-cotton': ('HMDB-cotton', 'v2.5'), 'BraChemDB-2018-01': ('BraChemDB', '2018-01'), 'ChEBI-2018-01': ('ChEBI', '2018-01'), 'HMDB-v4': ('HMDB', 'v4'), 'HMDB-v4-endogenous': ('HMDB-endogenous', 'v4'), 'LipidMaps-2017-12-12': ('LipidMaps', '2017-12-12'), 'PAMDB-v1.0': ('PAMDB', 'v1.0'), 'SwissLipids-2018-02-02': ('SwissLipids', '2018-02-02'), 'HMDB-v4-cotton': ('HMDB-cotton', 'v4'), 'ECMDB-2018-12': ('ECMDB', '2018-12'), } return database_name_version_map.get(name, (None, None))
[docs] def map_database_to_id(self, database: Union[int, str, Tuple[str, str]]): # Forwards/backwards compatibility issue: the GraphQL Schema may soon change from Int ids # to ID (i.e. str-based) ids. For now, this supports both types, and passes the type on # without modification. When the API has settled, this should be updated to coerce to the # correct type, because we shouldn't burden users with having to figure out why calls are # failing when they pass IDs that look like integers as integers instead of strings. if isinstance(database, int): return database if isinstance(database, str) and re.match(r'^\d+$', database): return int(database) database_docs = self.get_visible_databases() database_name_id_map = defaultdict(list) for db in database_docs: database_name_id_map[(db['name'], db['version'])].append(db['id']) if isinstance(database, tuple): db_name, db_version = database else: db_name, db_version = self.map_database_name_to_name_version(database) database_ids = database_name_id_map.get((db_name, db_version), []) if len(database_ids) == 0: raise Exception( f'Database not found or you do not have access to it. Available databases: ' f'{list(database_name_id_map.keys())}' ) if len(database_ids) > 1: raise Exception(f'Database name "{database}" is not unique. Use database id instead.') return database_ids[0]
def _get_dataset_upload_uuid(self): url = f'{self._config["dataset_upload_url"]}/s3/uuid' resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs] def create_dataset(self, input_params, perform_enrichment=False, ds_id=None): query = """ mutation createDataset($id: String, $input: DatasetCreateInput!, $priority: Int, $useLithops: Boolean, $performEnrichment: Boolean) { createDataset( id: $id, input: $input, priority: $priority, useLithops: $useLithops, performEnrichment: $performEnrichment, ) } """ variables = { 'id': ds_id, 'input': input_params, 'priority': 0, 'useLithops': True, 'performEnrichment': perform_enrichment, } return self.query(query, variables)['createDataset']
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, ds_id, force=False): query = """ mutation customDeleteDataset ($dsId: String!, $force: Boolean) { deleteDataset( id: $dsId force: $force ) } """ variables = {'dsId': ds_id} return self.query(query, variables)
[docs] def update_dataset( self, ds_id, input={}, reprocess=False, force=False, perform_enrichment=False, priority=1, ): query = """ mutation updateDataset($id: String!, $input: DatasetUpdateInput!, $priority: Int, $reprocess: Boolean, $force: Boolean, $useLithops: Boolean, $performEnrichment: Boolean) { updateDataset( id: $id, input: $input, priority: $priority, reprocess: $reprocess, force: $force, useLithops: $useLithops, performEnrichment: $performEnrichment, ) } """ variables = { 'id': ds_id, 'input': input, 'priority': priority, 'reprocess': reprocess, 'force': force, 'useLithops': True, 'performEnrichment': perform_enrichment, } self.query(query, variables)
[docs] def create_database( self, local_path: Union[str, Path], name: str, version: str, is_public: bool = False ) -> dict: # TODO: s3 -> s3a in GraphQL result = self.query("""query { currentUser { id } }""") current_user_id = result['currentUser'] and result['currentUser']['id'] bucket, key = multipart_upload( local_path, self._config['database_upload_url'], 'text/csv', current_user_id=current_user_id, ) s3_path = f's3://{bucket}/{key}' query = f""" mutation ($input: CreateMolecularDBInput!) {{ createMolecularDB(databaseDetails: $input) {{ id }} }} """ variables = { "input": { "name": name, "version": version, "isPublic": is_public, "filePath": s3_path, "groupId": self.get_primary_group_id(), } } return self.query(query, variables)['createMolecularDB']
[docs] def update_database(self, id: int, is_public: bool = None, archived: bool = None) -> dict: query = f""" mutation ($databaseId: Int!, $input: UpdateMolecularDBInput!) {{ updateMolecularDB(databaseId: $databaseId, databaseDetails: $input) {{ id }} }} """ variables = { "databaseId": id, "input": {"isPublic": is_public, "archived": archived}, } return self.query(query, variables)['updateMolecularDB']
[docs] def delete_database(self, id: int) -> bool: query = f""" mutation ($databaseId: Int!) {{ deleteMolecularDB(databaseId: $databaseId) }} """ variables = {"databaseId": id} return self.query(query, variables)['deleteMolecularDB']
[docs] def get_dataset_diagnostics(self, ds_id): results = self.query( f"""query getDatasetDiagnostics($datasetId: String!) {{ dataset(id: $datasetId) {{ diagnostics {{ id type jobId data database {{ {self.MOLECULAR_DB_FIELDS} }} images {{ key index url format }} }} }} }}""", {'datasetId': ds_id}, ) return results['dataset'].get('diagnostics')
[docs]class IsotopeImages(object): def __init__(self, images, sf, chem_mod, neutral_loss, adduct, centroids, urls): self._images = images # Keeping the private self._sf, self._adduct fields for backwards compatibility. There is no other easy way # to get that data, so it's probable that there is code somewhere that depends on the private fields. self.formula = self._sf = sf self.chem_mod = chem_mod self.neutral_loss = neutral_loss self.adduct = self._adduct = adduct self._centroids = centroids self._urls = urls def __getitem__(self, index): return self._images[index] def __repr__(self): return f"IsotopeImages({self.formula}{self.chem_mod or ''}{self.neutral_loss or ''}{self.adduct})" def __len__(self): return len(self._images) def __bool__(self): return len(self._images) > 0
[docs] def peak(self, index): return self._centroids[index]
[docs] def plot(self, n_images=-1): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if n_images > 0: n_images = min(n_images, len(self)) else: n_images = len(self) for i in range(n_images): plt.subplot(1, len(self._images), i + 1) plt.title(round(self.peak(i), 4)) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(self._images[i], interpolation='none', cmap='viridis')
[docs]class OpticalImage(object): def __init__(self, image, registered_image): self._images = [image] self._transforms = [registered_image] self._itransforms = [np.linalg.inv(t) for t in self._transforms] def __getitem__(self, index): return self._images[index] def __len__(self): return len(self._images) def _tform_to_tuple(self, tform): return (tform[0, 0], tform[0, 1], tform[0, 2], tform[1, 0], tform[1, 1], tform[1, 2]) def _to_rgb(self, image): return Image.fromarray(255 * image / image.max()).convert('RGB') def _transform(self, image, transform, target_image_shape): """ :param image: :param transform: :return: """ im_t = image.transform( target_image_shape, Image.AFFINE, self._tform_to_tuple(transform), resample=Image.NEAREST, ) return im_t
[docs] def to_ion_image(self, index, ion_image_shape): return self._transform( Image.fromarray(self[index]), self._transforms[index], (ion_image_shape[1], ion_image_shape[0]), )
[docs] def ion_image_to_optical(self, ion_image, index=0): return self._transform( self._to_rgb(ion_image), self._itransforms[index], (self._images[index].shape[1], self._images[index].shape[0]), )
[docs]class SMDataset(object): def __init__(self, _info, gqclient): self._info = _info self._gqclient: GraphQLClient = gqclient self._config = json.loads(self._info['configJson']) self._metadata = make_metadata(self._info['metadataJson']) self._session = requests.session() self._databases = [MolecularDB(db) for db in self._info['databases']] self._diagnostics = None self._diagnostic_images = {} @property def id(self): return self._info['id'] @property def name(self): return self._info['name'] @property def s3dir(self): """The location of the uploaded imzML file. Not publicly accessible, but this can be used in the `input_path` parameter to `SMInstance.submit_dataset` to clone a dataset.""" return self._info['inputPath'] def __repr__(self): return "SMDataset({} | ID: {})".format(,
[docs] def annotations( self, fdr: float = 0.1, database: Union[int, str, Tuple[str, str]] = DEFAULT_DATABASE, return_vals: Iterable = ('sumFormula', 'adduct'), **annotation_filter, ) -> List[list]: """Fetch dataset annotations. Args: fdr: Max FDR level. database: Database name or id. return_vals: Tuple of fields to return. Returns: List of annotations with requested fields. """ annotation_filter.setdefault('fdrLevel', fdr) if database: annotation_filter['databaseId'] = self._gqclient.map_database_to_id(database) dataset_filter = {'ids':} records = self._gqclient.getAnnotations(annotation_filter, dataset_filter) return [list(r[val] for val in return_vals) for r in records]
[docs] def results( self, database: Union[int, str, Tuple[str, str]] = DEFAULT_DATABASE, fdr: float = None, coloc_with: str = None, include_chem_mods: bool = False, include_neutral_losses: bool = False, **annotation_filter, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Fetch all dataset annotations as dataframe. Args: database: Molecular database name or id. fdr: Max FDR level. coloc_with: Fetch only results colocalized with formula. include_chem_mods: Include results with chemical modifications. include_neutral_losses: Include results with neutral losses. Returns: List of annotations with requested fields. """ def get_compound_database_ids(possibleCompounds): return [ compound['information'] and compound['information'][0]['databaseId'] for compound in possibleCompounds ] if coloc_with: assert fdr coloc_coeff_filter = { 'colocalizedWith': coloc_with, 'fdrLevel': fdr, } if database: coloc_coeff_filter['databaseId'] = self._gqclient.map_database_to_id(database) annotation_filter.update(coloc_coeff_filter) else: coloc_coeff_filter = None if database: annotation_filter['databaseId'] = self._gqclient.map_database_to_id(database) if fdr: annotation_filter['fdrLevel'] = fdr index_fields = ['formula', 'adduct'] if include_chem_mods: index_fields.append('chemMod') else: annotation_filter['hasChemMod'] = False if include_neutral_losses: index_fields.append('neutralLoss') else: annotation_filter['hasNeutralLoss'] = False records = self._gqclient.getAnnotations( annotationFilter=annotation_filter, datasetFilter={'ids':}, colocFilter=coloc_coeff_filter, ) if not records: return pd.DataFrame() df = json_normalize(records) return ( df.assign( moleculeNames=df.possibleCompounds.apply( lambda lst: [item['name'] for item in lst] ), moleculeIds=df.possibleCompounds.apply(get_compound_database_ids), intensity=df.isotopeImages.apply(lambda imgs: imgs[0]['maxIntensity']), ) .drop( columns=[ 'possibleCompounds', '', '', 'offSampleProb', ] ) .rename( columns={ 'sumFormula': 'formula', 'msmScore': 'msm', 'rhoChaos': 'moc', 'fdrLevel': 'fdr', 'colocalizationCoeff': 'colocCoeff', } ) .set_index(index_fields) # Don't include chemMod/neutralLoss columns if they have been excluded .drop(columns=['chemMod', 'neutralLoss'], errors='ignore') )
@property def metadata(self) -> Metadata: return self._metadata @property def config(self) -> DSConfig: return self._config @property def adducts(self) -> List[str]: return self._config['isotope_generation']['adducts'] @property def polarity(self) -> Polarity: if self._config['isotope_generation']['charge'] > 0: return 'Positive' return 'Negative' @property def database_details(self) -> List['MolecularDB']: """A list of all databases that have been used to annotate this dataset""" return self._databases @property def databases(self): """DEPRECATED. Use 'databases_details' instead. :meta private: """ return [ for d in self.database_details] @property def database(self): """DEPRECATED. Use 'databases_details' instead. :meta private: """ return self.databases[0] @property def status(self): """'QUEUED', 'ANNOTATING', 'FINISHED', or 'FAILED'""" return self._info['status'] @property def submitter(self) -> DatasetUser: """Details about the submitter of the dataset""" return self._info['submitter'] @property def group(self) -> Optional[DatasetGroup]: """The group (lab/institute/team/etc.) that this dataset belongs to""" return self._info['group'] @property def projects(self) -> List[DatasetProject]: """The list of projects that include this project""" return self._info['projects'] @property def principal_investigator(self) -> Optional[str]: """This field is usually only used for attributing the submitter's PI when the submitter is not associated with any group""" return (self._info['principalInvestigator'] or {}).get('name') @property def image_size(self): """Image size in pixels along the X, Y axes if this data exists otherwise an empty dict""" shape = {} if self._info['acquisitionGeometry'] != 'null': acquisition_grid = json.loads(self._info['acquisitionGeometry'])['acquisition_grid'] shape['x'] = acquisition_grid['count_x'] shape['y'] = acquisition_grid['count_y'] return shape @property def _baseurl(self): return
[docs] def isotope_images( self, sf, adduct, only_first_isotope=False, scale_intensity=True, hotspot_clipping=False, neutral_loss='', chem_mod='', image_metadata=[], ): """Retrieve ion images for a specific sf and adduct. :param str sf: :param str adduct: :param bool only_first_isotope: Only retrieve the first (most abundant) isotopic ion image. Typically this is all you need for data analysis, as the less abundant isotopes are usually lower quality copies of the first isotopic ion image. :param bool scale_intensity: When True, the output values will be scaled to the intensity range of the original data. When False, the output values will be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range. When 'TIC', the output values will be scaled by the TIC and will be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range. :param bool hotspot_clipping: When True, apply hotspot clipping. Recommended if the images will be used for visualisation. This is required to get ion images that match the METASPACE website :param str neutral_loss: :param str chem_mod: :param list image_metadata: :return IsotopeImages: """ import matplotlib.image as mpimg def fetchImage(url): if not url: return None if not urlparse(url).netloc: # Ion images that have not been moved to S3 are sent as relative paths that need # a host prefixed. This fallback can likely be removed after 2021-04-01. url = self._baseurl + url try: im = mpimg.imread(BytesIO(self._session.get(url).content)) except: # Retry, because occasionally the first request fails with a timeout im = mpimg.imread(BytesIO(self._session.get(url).content)) mask = im[:, :, 3] data = im[:, :, 0] data[mask == 0] = 0 assert data.max() <= 1 return data if not image_metadata: records = self._gqclient.getAnnotations( { 'sumFormula': sf, 'adduct': adduct, 'databaseId': None, 'neutralLoss': neutral_loss, 'chemMod': chem_mod, }, {'ids':}, ) if records: image_metadata = records[0]['isotopeImages'] if not image_metadata: raise LookupError(f'Isotope image for "{sf}{chem_mod}{neutral_loss}{adduct}" not found') if only_first_isotope: image_metadata = image_metadata[:1] images = [fetchImage(r.get('url')) for r in image_metadata] image_mzs = [r['mz'] for r in image_metadata] image_urls = [r['url'] for r in image_metadata] if isinstance(scale_intensity, np.ndarray): scale_image = scale_intensity scale_intensity = True elif scale_intensity == 'TIC': scale_image = self.tic_image() scale_intensity = True else: scale_image = None if scale_intensity is True: non_empty_images = [i for i in images if i is not None] if non_empty_images: shape = non_empty_images[0].shape for i in range(len(images)): if images[i] is None: images[i] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=non_empty_images[0].dtype) else: lo = float(image_metadata[i]['minIntensity']) hi = float(image_metadata[i]['maxIntensity']) images[i] = lo + images[i] * (hi - lo) if scale_image is not None: for i in range(len(images)): if images[i] is not None: nonzero = scale_image > 0 # Handle NaNs and div-by-zero warnings images[i] = np.divide(images[i], scale_image, where=nonzero) images[i][~nonzero] = 0 if hotspot_clipping: for i in range(len(images)): if images[i] is not None: images[i] = clip_hotspots(images[i]) if not scale_intensity: # Renormalize to 0-1 range images[i] /= np.max(images[i]) or 1 return IsotopeImages(images, sf, chem_mod, neutral_loss, adduct, image_mzs, image_urls)
[docs] def all_annotation_images( self, fdr: float = 0.1, database: Union[int, str, Tuple[str, str]] = DEFAULT_DATABASE, only_first_isotope: bool = False, scale_intensity: Union[bool, _TIC_Literal, np.ndarray] = True, hotspot_clipping: bool = False, **annotation_filter, ) -> List[IsotopeImages]: """Retrieve all ion images for the dataset and given annotation filters. Args: fdr: Maximum FDR level of annotations. database: Molecular database name or id. only_first_isotope: Only retrieve the first (most abundant) isotopic ion image for each annotation. Typically this is all you need for data analysis, as the less abundant isotopes are usually lower quality copies of the first isotopic ion image. scale_intensity: When True, the output values will be scaled to the intensity range of the original data. When False, the output values will be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range. When 'TIC', the output values will be scaled by the TIC and will be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range. hotspot_clipping: When True, apply hotspot clipping. Recommended if the images will be used for visualisation. This is required to get ion images that match the METASPACE website annotation_filter: Additional filters passed to `SMDataset.annotations`. Returns: list of isotope images """ if not isinstance(scale_intensity, np.ndarray) and scale_intensity == 'TIC': scale_intensity = self.tic_image() with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: def get_annotation_images(row): sf, adduct, neutral_loss, chem_mod, isotope_images = row return self.isotope_images( sf, adduct, only_first_isotope=only_first_isotope, scale_intensity=scale_intensity, neutral_loss=neutral_loss, chem_mod=chem_mod, hotspot_clipping=hotspot_clipping, image_metadata=isotope_images, ) annotations = self.annotations( fdr=fdr, database=database, return_vals=('sumFormula', 'adduct', 'neutralLoss', 'chemMod', 'isotopeImages'), **annotation_filter, ) return list( tqdm( get_annotation_images, annotations, ), total=len(annotations), bar_format='{l_bar}{bar:40}{r_bar}{bar:-10b}', ) )
[docs] def optical_images(self): def fetch_image(url): from PIL import Image if not url: return None if not urlparse(url).netloc: # Images that have not been moved to S3 are sent as relative paths that need # a host prefixed. This fallback can be removed after # is implemented url = self._baseurl + url im = return np.asarray(im) raw_im = self._gqclient.getRawOpticalImage(['rawOpticalImage'] return OpticalImage(fetch_image(raw_im['url']), np.asarray(raw_im['transform']))
[docs] def download_to_dir(self, path, base_name=None): """Downloads the dataset's input files to the specified directory. :param path: Destination directory :param base_name: If specified, overrides the base name (excluding extension) of each file. e.g. `base_name='foo'` will name the files as 'foo.imzML' and 'foo.ibd' :return: """ def download_link(file: DatasetDownloadFile): prefix, suffix = os.path.splitext(file['filename']) dest_path = dest_root / ((base_name or prefix) + suffix) if not dest_path.exists(): response = requests.get(file['link'], stream=True) with'wb') as dest: copyfileobj(response.raw, dest) print(f'Wrote {dest_path}') else: print(f'File already exists: {dest_path}. Skipping.') dest_root = Path(path) if not dest_root.exists(): print(f'Making directory {dest_root}') dest_root.mkdir(parents=True) link = self.download_links() if link: # Download in parallel to minimize risk that the imzML link expires before the ibd file # has finished downloading with ThreadPoolExecutor() as ex:, link['files'])
def _get_diagnostic_image(self, image): url = image['url'] fmt = image['format'] key = (url, fmt) if key not in self._diagnostic_images: try: raw = BytesIO(self._session.get(url).content) except Exception: # Retry once in case of network error due to excessive parallelism raw = BytesIO(self._session.get(url).content) try: if fmt == 'PNG': import matplotlib.image as mpimg image_content = mpimg.imread(raw) elif fmt == 'NPY': image_content = np.load(raw, allow_pickle=False) # type: ignore elif fmt == 'JSON': image_content = json.load(raw) elif fmt == 'PARQUET': image_content = pd.read_parquet(raw) else: print(f'Warning: Unrecognized format {fmt}, returning unparsed content') image_content = raw except Exception as ex: print(f'Warning: Could not parse image {url}: {ex}') image_content = raw self._diagnostic_images[key] = image_content return self._diagnostic_images[key] def _mixin_diagnostic_images(self, images): """Update `images` to include the image content""" with ThreadPoolExecutor() as ex: for image, image_content in zip(images,, images)): image['image'] = image_content
[docs] def diagnostics(self, include_images=True) -> List[DatasetDiagnostic]: """Retrieves all diagnostic information and additional metadata for the dataset. :param include_images: (default True) whether to download and include images in the results """ if self._diagnostics is None: self._diagnostics = self._gqclient.get_dataset_diagnostics( assert self._diagnostics is not None, 'Dataset not found' # Convert databases to MolecularDB instances for diag in self._diagnostics: if diag['database'] is not None: diag['database'] = MolecularDB(diag['database']) diagnostics = deepcopy(self._diagnostics) if include_images: self._mixin_diagnostic_images( [image for diag in diagnostics for image in diag.get('images') or []] ) return diagnostics
[docs] def diagnostic(self, type: str, database=None, include_images=True) -> DatasetDiagnostic: """Retrieves a specific item from the dataset's diagnostic information / additional metadata or raises an exception if it wasn't found :param type: The type of diagnostic/metadata. Valid values: type='TIC' `data` contains information about the Total Ion Current across the dataset `images` contains an image with the TIC for each spectrum type='IMZML_METADATA' `data` contains a summary of metadata from the ImzML file header `images` contains a boolean image of which pixels had spectra in the input data. Useful for non-square acquisition areas. :param database: The ID or (name, version) of the database. Needed for database-specific metadata types (currently not used) :param include_images: (default True) whether to download and include images in the results """ database_id = database and self._gqclient.map_database_to_id(database) for diag in self.diagnostics(include_images=False): if diag['type'] == type and (diag['database'] or {}).get('id') == database_id: if include_images and diag['images']: self._mixin_diagnostic_images(diag['images']) return diag raise KeyError( f'Could not find diagnostic item with type={repr(type)}, database={repr(database)}' )
[docs] def tic_image(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a numpy array with the TIC value for each spectrum""" try: diag = self.diagnostic('TIC', include_images=True) return [image['image'] for image in diag['images'] if image['key'] == 'TIC'][0] except Exception: raise KeyError('TIC image not found - the dataset is likely still being processed')
[docs]class MolecularDB: def __init__(self, info): self._info = info @property def id(self) -> int: return self._info['id'] @property def name(self) -> str: return self._info['name'] @property def version(self) -> str: return self._info['version'] @property def is_public(self) -> bool: return self._info['isPublic'] @property def archived(self) -> bool: return self._info['archived'] def __repr__(self): return f'<{}:{}:{self.version}>' def __getitem__(self, item): """Compatibility shim for accessing properties as dictionary entries, to keep compatibility with the TypedDict implementation in `DatabaseDetails`. New code should use the class properties directly instead of accessing this like a dict.""" return self._info[item]
[docs]class SMInstance(object): """Client class for communication with the Metaspace API.""" def __init__( self, host: str = None, verify_certificate: bool = True, email: str = None, password: str = None, api_key: str = None, config_path: str = None, ): """ Args: host: Full host name, e.g. '' verify_certificate: Ignore certificate validation. email: User email. password: User password. api_key: User API key. config_path: Configuration file path. """ self._config = get_config(host, verify_certificate, email, password, api_key, config_path) if not self._config['verify_certificate']: import warnings from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=InsecureRequestWarning) try: self.reconnect() except (AssertionError, BadRequestException) as ex: if ('Invalid API key' in ex.message or 'Login failed' in ex.message) and ( api_key is None and email is None ): print( f'Login failed. Call sm.save_login(overwrite=True) to update your ' f'saved credentials.' ) else: print(f'Failed to connect to {self._config["host"]}: {ex.message}') def __repr__(self): return "SMInstance({})".format(self._config['graphql_url'])
[docs] def save_login(self, overwrite=False): """Saves login credentials to the config file so that they will be automatically loaded in future uses of SMInstance()""" config_path = Path.home() / '.metaspace' if config_path.exists() and not overwrite: print(f'{config_path} already exists. Call sm.save_login(overwrite=True) to overwrite.') return api_key = getpass( f'Please generate an API key at and enter it here ' f'(or leave blank to cancel):' ) api_key = api_key.strip() if not api_key: print('Cancelled') return try: self.login(api_key=api_key) except: print(f'Login failed. Please check your API key and try again.') return'w').write(f'api_key={api_key}') print(f'Saved API key to {config_path}')
def login(self, email=None, password=None, api_key=None): """ DEPRECATED. Avoid calling this directly - pass credentials to SMInstance directly instead. This function is kept for backwards compatibility :meta private: """ assert ( email and password ) or api_key, 'Either email and password, or api_key must be provided' self._config['usr_email'] = email self._config['usr_pass'] = password self._config['usr_api_key'] = api_key self.reconnect() assert self._gqclient.logged_in, 'Login failed' def reconnect(self): """:meta private:""" self._gqclient = GraphQLClient(self._config) self._es_client = None def logged_in(self): """:meta private:""" return self._gqclient.logged_in @property def projects(self): """ Sub-object containing methods for interacting with projects. :rtype: metaspace.projects_client.ProjectsClient """ from metaspace.projects_client import ProjectsClient return ProjectsClient(self._gqclient) def _check_projects(self, project_ids): wrong_project_ids = [] for project_id in project_ids: if self.projects.get_project(project_id) is None: wrong_project_ids.append(project_id) if wrong_project_ids: raise Exception(f'The next project_ids is not valid: {", ".join(wrong_project_ids)}')
[docs] def dataset(self, name=None, id=None) -> SMDataset: """Retrieve a dataset by id (preferred) or name. You can get a dataset's ID by viewing its annotations online and looking at the URL, e.g. in this URL: :samp:`{2016-09-22_11h16m17s}` the dataset ID is ``2016-09-22_11h16m17s`` """ if id: return SMDataset(self._gqclient.getDataset(id), self._gqclient) elif name: return SMDataset(self._gqclient.getDatasetByName(name), self._gqclient) else: raise Exception("either name or id must be provided")
[docs] def datasets( self, nameMask: Optional[str] = None, idMask: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, *, submitter_id: Optional[str] = None, group_id: Optional[str] = None, project_id: Optional[str] = None, polarity: Optional[Polarity] = None, ionisation_source: Optional[str] = None, analyzer_type: Optional[str] = None, maldi_matrix: Optional[str] = None, organism: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[SMDataset]: """ Search for datasets that match the given criteria. If no criteria are given, it will return all accessible datasets on METASPACE. :param nameMask: Search string to be applied to the dataset name :param idMask: Dataset ID or list of IDs :param submitter_id: User ID of the submitter :param group_id: :param project_id: :param polarity: 'Positive' or 'Negative' :param ionisation_source: :param analyzer_type: :param maldi_matrix: :param organism: :return: """ datasetFilter = kwargs.copy() if nameMask is not None: datasetFilter['name'] = nameMask if idMask is not None: datasetFilter['ids'] = idMask if isinstance(idMask, str) else "|".join(idMask) if submitter_id is not None: datasetFilter['submitter'] = submitter_id if group_id is not None: datasetFilter['group'] = group_id if project_id is not None: datasetFilter['project'] = project_id if polarity is not None: datasetFilter['polarity'] = polarity.upper() if ionisation_source is not None: datasetFilter['ionisationSource'] = ionisation_source if analyzer_type is not None: datasetFilter['analyzerType'] = analyzer_type if maldi_matrix is not None: datasetFilter['maldiMatrix'] = maldi_matrix if organism is not None: datasetFilter['organism'] = organism return [ SMDataset(info, self._gqclient) for info in self._gqclient.getDatasets(datasetFilter) ]
def metadata(self, datasets): """ DEPRECATED - SMInstance.datasets should be preferred Pandas dataframe for a subset of datasets where rows are flattened metadata JSON objects :meta private: """ df = json_normalize([d.metadata.json for d in datasets]) df.index = [ for d in datasets] return df def get_annotations(self, fdr=0.1, db_name="HMDB-v4", datasetFilter={}): """ DEPRECATED This function does not work as previously described, and is kept only for backwards compatibility. Use sm.dataset(id='...').results() or sm.dataset(id='...').annotations() instead. :meta private: """ records = self._gqclient.getAnnotations( annotationFilter={'database': db_name, 'fdrLevel': fdr}, datasetFilter=datasetFilter ) df = json_normalize(records) return pd.DataFrame( dict( formula=df['sumFormula'], adduct=df['adduct'], msm=df['msmScore'], moc=df['rhoChaos'], rhoSpatial=df['rhoSpatial'], rhoSpectral=df['rhoSpectral'], fdr=df['fdrLevel'], mz=df['mz'], dataset_id=df[''], dataset_name=df[''], moleculeNames=[[item['name'] for item in lst] for lst in df['possibleCompounds']], ) ) def get_metadata(self, datasetFilter={}): """ DEPRECATED - SMInstance.datasets should be preferred Pandas dataframe for a subset of datasets where rows are flattened metadata JSON objects :meta private: """ datasets = self._gqclient.getDatasets(datasetFilter=datasetFilter) df = pd.concat( [ pd.DataFrame(json_normalize(json.loads(dataset['metadataJson']))) for dataset in datasets ], sort=False, ) df.index = [dataset['id'] for dataset in datasets] return df
[docs] def submit_dataset( self, imzml_fn: Optional[str], ibd_fn: Optional[str], name: str, metadata: Union[str, dict], is_public: bool, databases: List[Union[int, str, Tuple[str, str]]] = [DEFAULT_DATABASE], *, project_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, adducts: Optional[List[str]] = None, neutral_losses: Optional[List[str]] = None, chem_mods: Optional[List[str]] = None, ppm: Optional[float] = None, num_isotopic_peaks: Optional[int] = None, decoy_sample_size: Optional[int] = None, analysis_version: Optional[int] = None, input_path: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, perform_enrichment: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> str: """Submit a dataset for processing in METASPACE. :param imzml_fn: Path to the imzML file to upload :param ibd_fn: Path to the ibd file to upload :param name: New dataset name :param metadata: A JSON string or Python dict containing metadata. This must exactly follow the expected format - see the `submit dataset example notebook`_. :param is_public: If True, the dataset will be publicly visible. If False, it will only be visible to yourself, other members of your Group, METASPACE administrators, and members of any Projects you add it to :param databases: List of databases to process with, either as IDs or (name, version) tuples, e.g. [22, ('LipidMaps', '2017-12-12')] :param project_ids: A list of project IDs to add this dataset to. :param adducts: List of adducts. e.g. ['-H', '+Cl'] Normal adducts should be plus or minus followed by an element. For radical ions/cations, use the special strings '[M]+' or '[M]-'. :param neutral_losses: List of neutral losses, e.g. ['-H2O', '-CO2'] :param chem_mods: :param ppm: m/z tolerance (in ppm) for generating ion images (default 3.0) :param num_isotopic_peaks: Number of isotopic peaks to search for (default 4) :param decoy_sample_size: Number of implausible adducts to use for generating the decoy search database (default 20) :param analysis_version: :param input_path: To clone an existing dataset, specify input_path using the value of the existing dataset's "s3dir". When input_path is suppled, imzml_fn and ibd_fn can be set to None. :param description: Optional text to describe the dataset :param perform_enrichment: Optional enable LION for dataset. :return: The newly created dataset ID .. _submit dataset example notebook: ../examples/submit-dataset.ipynb """ current_user_id = self.current_user_id() assert current_user_id, 'You must be logged in to submit a dataset' primary_group_id = self._gqclient.get_primary_group_id() database_ids = [self._gqclient.map_database_to_id(db) for db in databases or []] if isinstance(metadata, str): metadata = json.loads(metadata) # Set default adducts if not adducts: polarity = metadata['MS_Analysis']['Polarity'] if polarity == 'Positive': adducts = ['+H', '+Na', '+K'] elif polarity == 'Negative': adducts = ['-H', '+Cl'] else: raise Exception('Polarity set incorrectly, available only "Positive" or "Negative"') # check the existence of projects by their project_id if project_ids: self._check_projects(project_ids) if description: description_json = _str_to_tiptap_markup(description) else: description_json = None # Upload the files. Keep this as late as possible to minimize chances of error after upload if input_path is None: assert imzml_fn and ibd_fn, 'imzml_fn and ibd_fn must be supplied' input_path = _dataset_upload( imzml_fn, ibd_fn, self._config['dataset_upload_url'], current_user_id ) graphql_response = self._gqclient.create_dataset( { 'name': name, 'inputPath': input_path, 'description': description_json, 'metadataJson': json.dumps(metadata), 'databaseIds': database_ids, 'adducts': adducts, 'neutralLosses': neutral_losses, 'chemMods': chem_mods, 'ppm': ppm, 'numPeaks': num_isotopic_peaks, 'decoySampleSize': decoy_sample_size, 'analysisVersion': analysis_version, 'submitterId': current_user_id, 'groupId': primary_group_id, 'projectIds': project_ids, 'isPublic': is_public, }, perform_enrichment=perform_enrichment, ) return json.loads(graphql_response)['datasetId']
[docs] def update_dataset_dbs(self, dataset_id, molDBs=None, adducts=None): self.update_dataset(dataset_id, databases=molDBs, adducts=adducts, reprocess=True)
[docs] def reprocess_dataset(self, dataset_id, force=False): self._gqclient.update_dataset(ds_id=dataset_id, reprocess=True, force=force)
[docs] def update_dataset( self, id: str, *, name: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Any = None, databases=None, adducts: Optional[List[str]] = None, neutral_losses: Optional[List[str]] = None, chem_mods: Optional[List[str]] = None, is_public: Optional[List[str]] = None, ppm: Optional[float] = None, num_isotopic_peaks: Optional[int] = None, decoy_sample_size: Optional[int] = None, analysis_version: Optional[int] = None, reprocess: Optional[bool] = None, force: bool = False, perform_enrichment: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Updates a dataset's metadata and/or processing settings. Only specify the fields that should change. All arguments should be specified as keyword arguments, e.g. to update a dataset's adducts: >>> sm.update_dataset( >>> id='2018-11-07_14h15m28s', >>> adducts=['[M]+', '+H', '+K', '+Na'], >>> ) :param id: (Required) ID of an existing dataset :param name: New dataset name :param metadata: A JSON string or Python dict containing updated metadata :param databases: List of databases to process with, either as IDs or (name, version) tuples, e.g. [22, ('LipidMaps', '2017-12-12')] :param adducts: List of adducts. e.g. ['-H', '+Cl'] Normal adducts should be plus or minus followed by an element. For radical ions/cations, use the special strings '[M]+' or '[M]-'. :param neutral_losses: List of neutral losses, e.g. ['-H2O', '-CO2'] :param chem_mods: :param is_public: If True, the dataset will be publicly visible. If False, it will only be visible to yourself, other members of your Group, METASPACE administrators, and members of any Projects you add it to :param ppm: m/z tolerance (in ppm) for generating ion images (default 3.0) :param num_isotopic_peaks: Number of isotopic peaks to search for (default 4) :param decoy_sample_size: Number of implausible adducts to use for generating the decoy search database (default 20) :param analysis_version: :param reprocess: None (default): Reprocess if needed True: Force reprocessing, even if not needed False: Raise an error if the changes would require reprocessing :param force: True: Allow changes to datasets that are already being processed. This should be used with caution, as it can cause errors or inconsistent results. :param perform_enrichment: Optional enable LION for dataset. """ input_field = {} if name is not None: input_field['name'] = name if metadata is not None: if isinstance(metadata, str): input_field['metadataJson'] = metadata else: input_field['metadataJson'] = json.dumps(metadata) if databases is not None: input_field['databaseIds'] = [self._gqclient.map_database_to_id(db) for db in databases] if adducts is not None: input_field['adducts'] = adducts if neutral_losses is not None: input_field['neutralLosses'] = neutral_losses if chem_mods is not None: input_field['chemMods'] = chem_mods if is_public is not None: input_field['isPublic'] = is_public if ppm is not None: input_field['ppm'] = ppm if num_isotopic_peaks is not None: input_field['numPeaks'] = num_isotopic_peaks if decoy_sample_size is not None: input_field['decoySampleSize'] = decoy_sample_size if analysis_version is not None: input_field['analysisVersion'] = analysis_version try: self._gqclient.update_dataset( id, input_field, reprocess or False, force, perform_enrichment ) except GraphQLException as ex: if ex.type == 'reprocessing_needed' and reprocess is None: self._gqclient.update_dataset(id, input_field, True, force, perform_enrichment) else: raise
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, ds_id, **kwargs): return self._gqclient.delete_dataset(ds_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def database( self, name: str = None, version: str = None, id: int = None ) -> Optional[MolecularDB]: """Fetch molecular database by id.""" databases = self._gqclient.get_visible_databases() db_match = None if id: for db in databases: if db['id'] == id: db_match = db elif name and version: for db in databases: if db['name'] == name and db['version'] == version: db_match = db else: name, version = self._gqclient.map_database_name_to_name_version(name) for db in databases: if db['name'] == name and db['version'] == version: db_match = db return db_match and MolecularDB(db_match)
[docs] def databases(self) -> List[MolecularDB]: dbs = sorted(self._gqclient.get_visible_databases(), key=lambda db: db['id']) return [MolecularDB(db) for db in dbs]
[docs] def create_database( self, local_path: Union[str, Path], name: str, version: str, is_public: bool = False ) -> dict: return self._gqclient.create_database(local_path, name, version, is_public)
[docs] def update_database(self, id: int, is_public: bool = None, archived: bool = None) -> dict: return self._gqclient.update_database(id, is_public, archived)
[docs] def delete_database(self, id: int) -> bool: return self._gqclient.delete_database(id)
[docs] def current_user_id(self): result = self._gqclient.query("""query { currentUser { id } }""") return result['currentUser'] and result['currentUser']['id']
[docs] def upload_raw_opt_image_to_s3(self, local_path: Union[str, Path], dataset_id: str) -> str: """ Upload optical raw image local file to s3 bucket >>> sm.upload_opt_file_to_s3( >>> local_path='/tmp/image.png', >>> dataset_id='2018-11-07_14h15m28s', >>> ) :param local_path: :param dataset_id: :return: Returns file s3 key """ current_user_id = self.current_user_id() assert current_user_id, 'You must be logged in to submit a dataset' url = f'{self._config["dataset_upload_url"]}/s3/uuid' resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() headers = resp.json() multipart_upload( local_path, self._config['raw_opt_upload_url'], file_type='image/png', headers=headers, current_user_id=current_user_id, dataset_id=dataset_id, ) return headers['uuid']
[docs] def upload_optical_image( self, local_path: Union[str, Path], dataset_id: str, transformation_matrix: np.ndarray = np.array( [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], ] ), ) -> str: """ Upload optical image from local file >>> sm.upload_optical_image( >>> local_path='/tmp/image.png', >>> dataset_id='2018-11-07_14h15m28s', >>> transformation_matrix=np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], ]), >>> ) :param local_path: :param dataset_id: :param transformation_matrix: :return: Returns file s3 key """ image_uuid = self.upload_raw_opt_image_to_s3(local_path=local_path, dataset_id=dataset_id) query = """ mutation addOpticalImage($imageUrl: String!, $datasetId: String!, $transform: [[Float]]!) { addOpticalImage(input: {datasetId: $datasetId, imageUrl: $imageUrl, transform: $transform}) } """ variables = { 'datasetId': dataset_id, 'imageUrl': image_uuid, 'transform': transformation_matrix.tolist(), } return self._gqclient.query(query, variables)['addOpticalImage']
[docs] def get_optical_image_transform(self, dataset_id: str): """ Get optical image transform matrix matrix3d(${t[0][0]}, ${t[1][0]}, 0, ${t[2][0]}, ${t[0][1]}, ${t[1][1]}, 0, ${t[2][1]}, 0, 0, 1, 0, ${t[0][2]}, ${t[1][2]}, 0, ${t[2][2]}) >>> sm.get_optical_image_transform( >>> dataset_id='2018-11-07_14h15m28s', >>> ) :param dataset_id: :return: Returns matrix 3d values """ return self._gqclient.getRawOpticalImage(dataset_id)['rawOpticalImage']['transform']
[docs] def get_optical_image_path(self, dataset_id: str): """ Get optical image file path >>> sm.get_optical_image_path( >>> dataset_id='2018-11-07_14h15m28s', >>> ) :param dataset_id: :return: Returns src path """ return self._gqclient.getRawOpticalImage(dataset_id)['rawOpticalImage']['url']
[docs] def copy_optical_image(self, origin_dataset_id: str, destiny_dataset_id: str): """ Copies an optical image from a dataset to another >>> sm.copy_optical_image( >>> origin_dataset_id='2018-11-07_14h15m28s', >>> destiny_dataset_id='2018-11-07_14h15m30s', >>> ) :param origin_dataset_id: The dataset ID of the origin dataset with the optical image to be copied :param destiny_dataset_id: The dataset ID from the dataset to where the optical image will be copied to :return: The updated list of external links """ copy_file_query = """ mutation copyRawOpticalImage($originDatasetId: String!, $destinyDatasetId: String!) { copyRawOpticalImage(originDatasetId: $originDatasetId, destinyDatasetId: $destinyDatasetId) } """ copy_variables = { 'originDatasetId': origin_dataset_id, 'destinyDatasetId': destiny_dataset_id, } copied_file = self._gqclient.query(copy_file_query, copy_variables)['copyRawOpticalImage'] query = """ mutation addOpticalImage($imageUrl: String!, $datasetId: String!, $transform: [[Float]]!) { addOpticalImage(input: {datasetId: $datasetId, imageUrl: $imageUrl, transform: $transform}) } """ variables = { 'datasetId': destiny_dataset_id, 'imageUrl': copied_file, 'transform': self.get_optical_image_transform(origin_dataset_id), } return self._gqclient.query(query, variables)['addOpticalImage']
def plot_diff(ref_df, dist_df, t='', xlabel='', ylabel='', col='msm'): import plotly.graph_objs as go from plotly.offline import iplot plot_df = dist_df.join(ref_df, rsuffix='_ref', how='inner').dropna() text_tmpl = ( '{}{}<br>X: moc={:.3f} spat={:.3f} spec={:.3f}' '<br>Y: moc={:.3f} spat={:.3f} spec={:.3f}' ) traces = [] adducts = plot_df.index.get_level_values('adduct').unique() for adduct in adducts: df = plot_df.xs(adduct, level='adduct') txt = df.reset_index().apply( lambda r: text_tmpl.format( r.sf, adduct, r.moc_ref, r.spat_ref, r.spec_ref, r.moc, r.spat, r.spec ), axis=1, ) if df.empty: continue traces.append( go.Scatter( x=df['{}_ref'.format(col)], y=df['{}'.format(col)], text=txt, mode='markers', name=adduct, ) ) data = go.Data(traces) fig = go.Figure( data=data, layout=go.Layout( autosize=False, height=500, hovermode='closest', title=t + ' \'{}\' values'.format(col), width=500, xaxis=go.XAxis( autorange=False, range=[-0.05675070028979684, 1.0323925590539844], # what the fuck is this? title=xlabel, type='linear', ), yaxis=go.YAxis( autorange=False, range=[-0.0015978995361995152, 1.0312345837176764], # what the fuck is this? title=ylabel, type='linear', ), ), ) iplot(fig, filename='ref_dist_msm_scatter') tmp_df = plot_df.dropna() return tmp_df class DataframeTree(object): """ Class for hierarchical clustering of Pandas dataframes. The intended usage is for making sense out of data returned by SMInstance.msm_scores """ def __init__(self, df, method='ward', metric='euclidean'): import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch self._df = df self._Z = sch.linkage(self._df, method=method, metric=metric) self._root = DataframeNode(self._df, sch.to_tree(self._Z)) @property def root(self): return self._root @property def df(self): """ Dataframe reordered according to pre-order tree traversal. """ return self.root.df @property def left(self): return self.root.left @property def right(self): return self.root.right def row_names(self): return list(self.df.index) def column_names(self): return list(self.df.columns) class DataframeNode(object): def __init__(self, df, node): self._df = df self._node = node self._node_df = None self._left_node = None self._right_node = None @property def is_leaf(self): return self._node.is_leaf() @property def left(self): if self._left_node is None: self._left_node = DataframeNode(self._df, self._node.get_left()) return self._left_node @property def right(self): if self._right_node is None: self._right_node = DataframeNode(self._df, self._node.get_right()) return self._right_node @property def df(self): if self._node_df is None: self._node_df = self._df.iloc[self._node.pre_order(lambda x: x.get_id())] return self._node_df def row_names(self): return list(self.df.index) def column_names(self): return list(self.df.columns)
[docs]class DatasetNotFound(Exception): pass
# Specify __all__ so that Sphinx documents everything in order from most to least interesting __all__ = [ 'SMInstance', 'SMDataset', 'MolecularDB', 'IsotopeImages', 'OpticalImage', 'GraphQLClient', 'MetaspaceException', 'DatasetNotFound', 'GraphQLException', 'BadRequestException', 'InvalidResponseException', ]